
1903 - 1959



    Adrian,you were such an amazing talent and designer.You truly were the master of hollywood glamour and your designs have left an undeniable mark on my mind and soul.You are more than an inspiration for a 15 year old aspiring designer,Thank you Adrian for your legacy of glamour and style RIP


  2. thankyou

    I love the films of the 30’s & 40’s and especially the wonderful clothes you designed and created that made Harlow, Shearer & Co look so elegant – remembering you and your awesome talent

    Marion (UK)

  3. Adrian dear,if you could only know how excited I am since I’m working on a project and is all about you darling! I wish I could tell everyone how WONDERFUL you are and to show them the art you created! Is funny but leaving this message here is almost like if I’m talking to you Adrian dear, I know your around me.. I could feel you. Just hours ago I was watching Ninotchka, that one hat!! I love you Adrian dear, hmmm… what a beautiful feeling it is! Well Adrian dear, I must go now but before I say good night.. I want everyone to know how GREAT you are!! Your the best Adrian dear just simply the best!! Sweet dreams my darling, and always know that your in my thoughs and in my heart most of all..
    Always, R.D.


  4. Thank you

    Thank you so much, Adrian, for your inspired vision of fashion.
    Your talents made the Hollywood stars of the 20s, 30s, and 40s truly great.
    God bless and keep you.


  5. Master Of Hollywood chic ...

    Sir, you defined the “Crawford as Pope” era. No living creature in Hollywood can come close. I suspect you are still dressing Crawford in Heaven. Thank you for beautiful creations making the 1930’s Hollywood fashinon the greatest ever!

    A fan

  6. It’s hard to say what is exactly that I feel for you Adrian dear, but I know that from where you are you know how I feel for you.. I can’t find the words to express and define the admiration and love I have for you. Everything that I create is dedicated to you, because you alone are my inspiration to what I love to do.. You know who I am Adrian dear, and for always I will hold you very close to me because you mean very much to me.. With Devotion and admiration always, know that I’m here for you Adrian..Forever..



    Three cheers for one of the best designers in the business. I’m a great admirer.


  8. Impressive!

    I stumbled upon this site and began to browse. Something about the expression of his eyes made me delve into his bio. I couldn’t have been more impressed. I love old movies, stars and glamour. There seemed to be at least some sense of morals. I will be more interested in watching these old films now that I know who designed the costumes. I am sure he is missed. A new fan!

    Patti Haun

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