Izanetta Tasby

1921 - 2003


  1. Granddaughter

    Hello Grandma,

    I miss you so much. You were always my favorite person. I was thinking about you today and randomly did a google search and saw this. You always said “The lord works in mysterious ways”.

    Well your birthday is coming up. I am sure you will be “celebrating with the angels”. Just know. I am thinking of you.

    I love you. My “Giving Tree”

    Your Granddaughter,

    Gina Tasby Rogers

  2. Happy Birthday Mama

    Dear Mama,I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday from here. I know you are happy and feeling no pain in Heaven with your Lord. It’s been 6 1/2 years since I heard you wonderful voice. I still miss you and want to lay my head on your shoulder just one more time. Sherryl, PJ and I are doing fine. Grand is not doing too good and Sherryl is really spending a lot of her time handling her affairs. Help from family members for Grand is almost non-existant. We’ll make it somehow and get her back into her house. For medical reasons, she can’t live alone anymore. I celebrated my 65th birthday a few days ago and Cherry is celebrating his 61st today, as you very well know. I’ve been fully retired now for a little over 2 years. I’m finally getting the hang of it. We still love and miss you terribly but realize that you are on a new journey. Rest in Peace. Your son, Carl

    Larry C. Tasby

  3. Five Long Years

    Dear Mama, It has been five long years, since we heard you wonderful voice. The memories are still strong and your words ring true everyday. I’ve been retired for almost 8 months now and things are almost in place. I’m still waiting on a key event to get me totally retired and secured. Yesterday, we called and talked to Grand, Sister, Roe and various other people to wish them a Happy Mother’s Day. I sure wish we could have called you too. PJ and I did some very special things for Sherryl today to brighten her day and show our love. My friend, Jim, might be coming to join you real soon, but we are still hoping to keep him a little longer. Sherryl and I are going on a vacation in July and it will be needed by all. You are always in my thoughts and I will love you forever. Your Son, Carl

    Larry C. Tasby

  4. Happy Birthday Mama

    Happy Birthday Mama, from your oldest son. You would be 86 years young, if you could still be with us. Sherryl and I miss you terribly, but know that you are at peace now with God. Well, I decided to retire about a month and a half ago. We are still getting things settled in financially, but I’m feeling real good about everything. I talked to Cherry this morning to wish him a happy birthday too. Time is easing the pain of missing you, but the love in my heart for you and Daddy Noogie will never perish. As always Mama, I Love You! Your son, Carl

    Larry C. Tasby

  5. Four Years Ago

    Dear Mama, It was four years ago, almost to the hour that Sherryl and Cherry advised me that you had gone to be with the Lord. I was making my last call for the day and simply had to go through the motions on automatic pilot. Aunt Bernice left us yesterday to join you in heaven. We will miss her smiles and knowledge about the soaps. Sherryl is working hard and PJ is growing into a real asset for our family. I’m thinking about retiring more each day. My body is saying, time is near. Your advice is definitely needed, but I’ll do what I think you would advise. We miss you as much as ever and cherish the years you spent with us. Welcome Aunt Bernice and save a place for us. I Love You, Mama! Your Son as Always, Carl

    Larry Carl Tasby

  6. Still Recovering

    Dear Mama,We’ve had “PJ” for a little over 2 years now and he has become a real and true member of our family. Pepsi and Killy would be proud of him. He has also gone to doggie school. It has almost been 4 years since you left us and we miss you as much as ever. We cherish having Grand with us and pray that she stays healthy for many more years. Your memories and teachings remain with us constantly and we give thanks for every minute we had with you. Things are going very well for us and the other members of the family. I just wish you could be here to enjoy the peace and quietness you deserved on this earth. Sherryl is on the brink of getting her Masters Degree and I’m looking toward retirement in a few years. Our Love for you grows deep and we will never forget the suffering you endured to make life better for us. We have learned a lot about you and how you excelled without ever telling us. I love you, Mama.
    Your son,

    Larry C. Tasby

  7. Happy Birthday, Mama

    Dearest Mama,Today would have been your 85th birthday had God not needed you at his side. We miss you tremendously but know and accept that you are out of pain and existing in a better place. We are learning to deal with our selfish desires and needs to have your physical presence with us. I think “PJ” has reached his maximum weight at 23lbs, but we will have control his intake of food. I know you would just love him, if you could be here with us. He is a darling of a puppy. In nine more days he will be 1 year old. On yours and Cherry’s birthday,(1Nov), I always sit back and realize how lucky I am to have had both of you in my life. God bless and keep you in His care. Thank you for everything you taught me.
    With Love Always,

    Your Son, Carl

  8. Three Long Years

    Well Mama, it has been three long years since you left us. Our love for you is just as strong as ever, if not stronger. I look at your picture daily and hear your lovely voice telling me that everything will be alright. If you say things will work out, that’s all I need to hear. We now have another puppy, called “PJ”. He looks and acts a lot like Pepsi. I believe Pepsi sent him to us with his blessings, because of the way things happened in his acquization. Sherryl has finally accepted him as a real part of the family. I really didn’t think she would ever get another dog after we lost Pepsi. We are doing fine in our jobs and life. Cherry, Gwen and the rest of the family seem to be moving forward. Sister and Roe are staying close to us and we really appreciate them. I’m doing the best I can but I’m still missing you. Thanks again for giving us such a strong foundation. I Love You, Mama and always will. Your son, Carl

    Larry C. Tasby

  9. Dealing With The Pain

    Dear Mama,Well Mama, another year has passed and I miss you still. My birthday is just around the corner now and I just wish I could hear your loving voice say, Happy Birthday, son. I know you are guarding me from above but I sure would like having you here. Let all the folks and pets know that I miss and think of you everyday. We will keep on going until it’s time for us to join you. I Love You, Mama.

    Larry C. Tasby

  10. Missing You Still

    Mama,It’s almost been a year now since you left us to sleep in the arms of our God, but the hurt and pain lingers still. I want to talk to you about things but realize that only silence remains where your beautiful voice once reigned supreme. I know that you are in a much happier place with Daddy Noogie and someday I hope to join you. I hope Frisky, Killy and Pepsi are keeping you busy. Sherryl sure does miss calling you on Sunday nights to see how you are doing. Mama, I miss you so much.
    Your Son Forever,

    Your Son, Larry

  11. I Miss You, Mama

    Mama,It seems so quiet now that Sherryl and I can’t call and talk to you. I touch your picture and things everyday. Your “Iza” necklace stays around my neck constantly. I want to talk to you about my life challenges as before but realize that it’s not possible. I can feel your spirit but wish I could just touch your hand and face again. I miss you Mama, but I know I’ll be with you again someday. I Love You, Mama!
    Your son,

    Larry "Carl" Tasby

  12. Beautiful

    Larry,The services for your mother were beautiful. And I thinks this always true of persons like your mother. She lived the life of a Christian, very sweet and soft spoken lady.
    You and your family are in my prayers.


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