Sariyah Lonyea Coffee

2003 - 2003


  1. Checking In

    Hi momma’s baby, someone has a bithday in a couple of months. I was thinkin we should do cupcakes this year purple ones yummie lol… the big 8 huh shheessh time sure flys by.. I still pray & wish u were here with me… your sisters are doin great we talk about you all the time… I knw if you were here they will drive you crazy because they drive me up the wall lol… who new tht God would bless me with 4 beautiful lil girls tht I love more than life it self… I am thankful & blessed everyday… ur baby sister is a real peace of work… she wants everything her way… she thinks she is everybodys momma & she is so smart… grandma stephanie say she been here b4, I believe so 2… she has so much energy or maybe Im jst gettin old & slow lol… niyah & keke cant even keep up with her… she trying 2 walk now… I cant wait til she get it dwn pack… bcuz she wearing my hip out… she reminds me of u whn she sleeping… I jst hold her & kiss her up & tell her u look like ur older sister… I luv u & miss u deeply… until we meet again kisses my purple star… love momma

    Sariyah's Mother

  2. Hey its been awhile !!!

    hey, little one I miss u so much, words could never express how much I miss and love you, oh how I wish u were here with me, I give anything to have u here with me, your lil sisters are getting so big, they are so smart it amazing how they learn so fast, Saniyah’s in school she getting use to it now, at first it was a big change for her and being away from home, ke kestill at home for the mean while, everyone is doing ok, we are just waiting on a blessing, I start school in October cant wait for that, its gonna be a change for me , but its a change for the better, I have so many dreams and aspiration, so many goals I want to accomplish, but in do time, I truly believe, I just have to keep my faith, and want it for me…baby, mama just had to get that off my chest and let u know what was on my mind… I cant wait til we meet again, I just want to hold a kiss you, like I did the first time we met…smile.. my purple star…. love u..forever and always….
    Love Mama


  3. Miss You

    I miss you so much….I always think about you when I see Kebryah and Saniyah. You are so beautiful.i will always remember you.thank you for
    coming into our life.

    Auntie Teefah

  4. Happy Birth Day

    Hey Momma’s baby today is ur birthday, the big 3. I cant believe its been 3 years since the first and last time I held u. But I hold u in my heart every single day, every hour, every minute and every second. I miss u so much words cant even express how I feel for u. I just want u here with me so bad. but I have 2 except that ur in a better place. no pain, no stress, no worries. the best place for an Angel. I cant wait to hold u in my arms again. I know one day we will meet soon. If I had one wish it would be u here with me. Sariyah a.k.a my little purple star. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARIYAH !!!!!!!!!!!! MAY 15 2006


  5. thinking of you

    Hey my lil girl I know its been awhile I hav’nt wrote you anything in awhile but you know I think of you every single day and night, not one day go by without me thinkin of you, I miss u so much, I cant believe its been three years time flys, I cant believe you a Big sister now, boy they are a hand full, Saniyah she talking more & Kebryah trying to sit up she’s teething to she trys to put everything in her mouth. Saniyah reminds me of how u would have been I wonder all the time how would you been so I look at Saniyah and say would Sariyah be doing that or how would your personality be. your baby sister looks just like you the only thing she was smaller then you was at birth but she slowly picking up her weight. they both remind me of you .Sariyah your my first baby you will always live in my heart cant no one take your place in my heart you have it on lock baby girl or should I say mommas big girl I cant believe your gonna be 3 years old in May. girl your getting old and I ‘m getting younger lol. well baby girl momma gonna go now love you and always thinkin of you my purple star.


  6. I just wanted to say hi

    hey momma’s lil purple star, I miss you so much, not a day go by that I dont think of you. I wish I could come visit you every day.I wish I had you here with me.I cant wait to see you again so we can be together. I just wanted to say hi to you. And I love you so so so much. YOURS TRULY YOUR MOMMA. love you lots.*****************


  7. love you always

    hi its me again from auntie thelma , marquis,joshua and deanna we love u . love always the barnes and brown family.

    deanna brown

  8. my baby

    hi iam sorry i did not make ut to the funeral cuzin kevia iam sorry for your lost of your first child. love always deanna

    deanna brown

  9. momma's little girl

    Hey, momma’s little girl, I miss you and love you to death words can’nt express how I feel about you and how my love grew for you. I wish I could have you right here with me right now. not a day go by that I dont think of you. Sariyah you are my little girl, my Angel ,my little star that shines so bright in the sky. I would give anything to have you.I remember your first moves and how you loved chocolate candy that was your favorite. well momma is about to go. sweet love & kisses from your momma


  10. my love

    forever my heart your face will never leave me a beautiful babygirl one day all of us will be with you one day and see you in heaven and how pretty you got

    auntie netta

  11. Slick-e-boo

    Sweet heart we love you very deeply and we miss you very much. Slick-e-boo was given to you, by your grandfather who had plans for you.We all wanted you so much and could’nt wait for you.But God had other plans for a angel like you.Slick-e-boo you will always be in our hearts and in our lives. You are our first grandchild,the memories of you will live forever in our hearts. Love Gloria and Donovan, Your Grandparents


  12. little princess

    we will always love and cherish you and the memories of you,yes we know that we only shared the moment with u which were quiet but thats ok we valued the precious silent time we had with you on may 15, 2003 we will always rememberand love you very much .
    your grandmother stephanie and auntie mercedes

    grandma-stephanie and aunt mercedes

  13. Our Little Princess

    Mommy loves you and I will never forget you, you will always be in our you. (slick-e-boo).whats up babby fats this is yo daddy just checkin in to say i love u and always will u will be in my heart for the rest of my life ok babby watch over your parents and keep them safe rest lil babby rest talk to u lata

    Mommy & Daddy

  14. Someone deeply touched

    Such precious memories of your little guardian angel who i’m sure is watching out for all of you. Thank you for sharing her precious photos with all of us online. Especially the one where her brother is watching the car being driven away. Such a priceless photo. May God Bless Sariyah and her brother and sisters, her mom and dad and all who will deeply miss her. May her precious angel wings flutter high above and look for all of you forever. Thank you….

    Southern California

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