Marilyn Judd

1929 - 2005


  1. Marilyn Judd

    Dearest Marilyn, You taught me its okay to love too much. I still make a wish on the first dragon fly of the season. Many dragon fly wishes, it brings back all your childhood stories in Texas. You tried for over a decade to teach me “Jesus loves me this I know”. I can’t sing a lick or carry a tune but you never gave up. You appointed me keeper of the keys, when you hand carried St. Peter all the way from Germany. My fondest treasure. I will miss your beautiful warm smile, your tireless devotion to keep me afloat, and your glad to see you Dianeeee, hows Tommy, let’s get going hug. You were so admired. You admired my choice in a husband and I admired your choice. How lucky and grateful we were. How blessed. All the trips to San Francisco and then donuts in bed with Ganni, who made us feel as fine as a hair on a flea. She shared with me wonderful stories and what a very special daughter you were. The heavens are rejoicing on all your cinnamon fingers and cookies. You made the best. You were the best. Well, My Dear Mrs. Juggs, “Memories is the treasure and guardian of all things”. I miss you so. Forever in my heart. My prayers to your family. My thoughts are with your Bob that the Lord gives him the strength to bear this heavy burdon and keep him safe. God speed. Always Diane

    Diane Tognetti

  2. My deepest sympathies to all Marilyn’s family. I met Marily at Tom Thumb, a chapter of Children’s Home Society in the late 60’s. She was such a lovely lady, so generous, outgoing, & a joy to be with. We stuffed Poo Bears together one year for a fund raiser. I remember how homey being in her kitchen was, with a big pot of soup simmering. Yumm!So sorry she is no longer here, but she’ll be in our hears, always.

    Karen Brainerd

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