Larry McCormack

1964 - 2006


  1. miss you

    hi my dearest brother, so as fr, austin put it you have a bigger team then us now. Larry you are one of my angels and I know you were beyond happy to have mommy come back home. You get to see her once again walk and talk and sing and just dance as she used to. I am so happy you are all reunited. But larry I miss you all so much i ache, you were so close into starting a better life only a few more months and you would of gotten my kidney and you would of and no more ailments. you deserved to live , you deserved to get everything and anything. I am going to apply for the jobs that you have seen me looking into in honor of you and daddy and mommy I want your dreams to live on through us. Please be with me always as I know you have been. Give mommy and daddy a big hug and kiss and let them know that it is from us here. I do not think the pain will ever leave us ever but we will move forward somehow someway , please help guide us the right way…love forever in our hearts
    christina, jimmy, joe, alyssa
    dodgers got one of jimmys angels guy manny I believe is his name , Jimmy knows you are smiling down happy … kisses

    christina,jimmy, joe and alyssa


    Our dearest Larry today is your 42nd Birthday and it will be one of the hardest days to face since you left us. Not a day goes by that we do not get reminded of our great loss, both you and daddy/grandpa are missed so much. Jimmy and I and the kids are taking very good care of mom and all her needs and wishes. Oh Larry that you and daddy for always being with us and trying to make us stronger. it has been a horrible and tough road and it does not get easier it gets harder. we will celebrate your special day as we always did and always will. love you so much. you remain in our hearts forever always.
    my dearest son , how I miss you , I find each day so hard not to have you here in our lives my I know both you and your father are watching over us all and we will be together some day .
    love mom
    Uncle Larry, we need you so much you and grandpa. it is so hard sometimes without you so hard we just wish we could go see you or grandpa and bamm any problem we might of had is gone. We both are working so hard to have you both be proud of us and we will always honor you and be there for grandma. love you forever always, never leave us.o.k.
    Joe and ALyssa

    Mom, Jimmy,Christina,Joe & Alyssa

  3. God we miss you

    hi my sweet brother,thank you for always being there for us all. I know you and daddy are still with us. today I can not stop crying, I know this upets you and daddy when we have days like this. I just can not understand why you were taken so young. we still needed you to help us heal with the loss of daddy. Oh larry I wish I could have saved you, i wish I could turn back time, maybe I could have done something . I love you and Alyssa and joe and Jimmy and mom we are always including you and daddy in everything. I know it may seem strange but we can not accept you both gone . please continue being there for us and giving us the strength to move forward. we are trying so hard as I know you see from above. your b-day is coming and that will be the hardest yet. we forever will honor you and daddy ,
    Thank you for being there friday for alyssa and thank you for being there for both kids high school is not easy, but they are doing great and I know it is because you and daddy are with them/ Jimmy has days he is very quiet and each time we find out it is because he is so sad and misses you and daddy so much. we are hanging tough and will continue to make you proud. Love you forever always
    Christina, Jimmy and Joe and Alyssa

    christina,jimmy,joe and alyssa

  4. finishing from last

    I MISS YOU ! soooooo much life with out you is like life without a heart ! you can’t live! your my best friend we would talk! hang out espeacially our saturdays when we would have sleep overs together watch t.v eat! and talk! i miss that! espeacially when i would cook you would eat what ever i made even when it sucked! you did love my velveeta mac and cheese ! and i would love when you would cook for me that made me feel! good! and when you would go and buy us food i thought that was the sweetest thing you did ssssooooo much like pick us up from school and bring us to get are after school snack! and how we would talk forever about my troubles and you would give good advice espeacially when grandpa died and pappi! you were always there! we were even close when I was little I use to hang on you like a monkey ! speaking of animals you called me a chic`ken and when chicken little came out chic`ken little! ilove you soo much you will always be with me! i ove you my best friend and my uncle! the best one ever!


  5. Miss YOU

    Hey uncle larry its me alyssa sorry i haven’t e-mailed i forgot I could do that! I MISS YOU !



    Hey LAr, you know I always joked with you having kids out there that will come knocking one day, so I had to keep up the tradition, also you are Joe and Alyssa’s God father so fathers day includes you. Oh Larry I miss our talks and laughs, gosh all the laughs we shared. I just hope you and daddy are at peace. Mommy is finally seeing how that other one is as we have discussed in the past. I know I should not be shocked how she has ignored mom and you saw from heaven how she treated all of us that day in May. but that is o.k. we have peace again and mom is so proud of the kids as I am sure you are. Jimmy will never replace you of course but he has tried so hard to make mommy happy so hard. Larry , I know what you and I always had and even Nestor knew and he was the one who always really kept in touch with you. I will always remember his B-day and include him in family events because I know that is what you would want , Jarrett moved I saw it just before , although I really have not seen him much I was sadden. He too will keep in touch, I have to get something to Kun Will do that soon. but anyway my dear Brother please stay with me and I know you are doing all these funny things to me and I love you for it, I miss you so much and thank you for always being there for my Jimmy , Joe and ALyssa, one day we have to accept you gone but we are just not able to accept that anytime soon. Oh the research I am doing, help me help you get justice .
    love you always forever kiss for daddy for me.
    Christina, jimmy Joe and Alyssa

    christina,jimmy,joe and alyssa

  7. lakers

    Hey lar, i waited a few days before i wanted to say sorry about your lakers, I wanted them to make it more so this year then ever.I know you were not happy , but hey the clippers made it . And i have many great memories when we would go to there games.Miss you man , so much. I do not cook as much since you been gone. it is not the same without you there . thanks for being such a great brother to me.


  8. Miss you always

    our hearts are still in so much pain.We miss you so much Uncle Larry and grandpa- please show grandpa the games we played. it is so hard to laugh or play games without you both will remain in our hearts forever and ever. love
    joe and alyssa

    joeand alyssa

  9. three months

    Hey Larry tonight will make 3 months, god and it feels like it just happened yesterday. oh LArry how we miss you so much,we all cry every day, we are trying to be so strong for you and daddy but it is not easy. I am sure you see Margaret is up to her crap again, I know what you always told me and I am trying but it is so hard sometimes- but for your sake and daddys to rst in peace I am just going to let it be i will no longer bother with her, my focus is on mommy and for you and daddy to be at peace that I will do as you have always told me just ignore what she says.honestly Larry as you know I have done nothing but help everyone including her, but it never matters to her never, well I promise you on this third month anniversary i will no longer entertain her lies and hatred. I will always be here for the family as I always have been but i will not go out of my way nor will I worry any longer about what lies she is spreading. Mommy , Jimmy , Joe and ALyssa are my main focus and honoring daddys wishes forever, No Matter What!!! so rest in peace my dear father and brother I will not let you down ever and know all we do it is for you and your beautiful memories.GOd Bless, and thank you for still visiting me and your pranksHA! HA! HA!Love,
    Christina, Jimmy , Joe and Alyssa
    and mommy

    christina,jimmy,joe and alyssa

  10. Miss you always

    Imiss you uncle larry.

    Joe Estrella

  11. miss you

    Hey Lar,I miss you so much and all i want is for you an daddy to rest in peace and not deal with what earth is still doing, now you know that i have been telling you the truth this whole time i am sure daddy cleared it up with you, it is so sad that everything was blown up because of one person and you know who i mean, she needs to stop with the lies but I am not worried because God will one day judge and let her know how wrong she has always been .Oh Larry, even my wee joe and Alyssa are being dragged into it,how could she not know how close you were with them hello you are also there god father,besides uncle, you will always remain there favorite forever always, please always watch over them for they hurt so much for you and daddy, Joe is doing good with his driving and Alyssa is preparing for her show which she is doing in honor of you both.I know you are telling me to ignore all the BS and do not let it get to me and to honor you i will not let anything or anyone get to me because you and i know how special our relationship has always been.God bless you Larry and watch out and take care of daddy and I promise Jimmy , the kids and i will continue as we always have to take care of mom.,love you forever Christina

    christina,jimmy,joe and alyssa

  12. Miss you always

    My dearest brother Larry,how i miss you so much i still can not believe you are gone. it is so hard to move forward without you and our daily talks, I know you have left us things to fight for you Larry and we will. thank you for being such a wonderful brother, Uncle and friend. mom is devastated as we all are. God Larry you were suppose to grow old with us, I know God needed you now but even your Dr. said you would be with us if you did not have that medication for the surgery.Norma from UCLA called and she swears she spoke to you, but she had our dates to prepare for the transplant- It was so close for you to be rid of the dialysis- I wish you could tell me what god told you , I need to know why. I have been writting to daddy and wrote you through his . I feel you both daily but it is not the same I want to see you , talk to you. we have become so close and then before I knew it you were gone.its not fair, jimmy took over taking mom to her errands and church on Sundays we are living up to what you and dad would of wanted. Bless you both and know you will live on in our hearts daily.Joe and Alyssa are beside themselves wee Alyssa spends alot of time in your room to be near both you and daddy.Nestor came the other day it was a nice visit I cleared some things up that others were lying about but you know that.Jarrett left a message I will call him back and have not heard from the rest two of them i do not plan too since they were not the people I thought they were larry and too think how hurt you were because they did not show up to the baby shower now what you have seen you probably have a better understanding of and daddy take care of each other especially today it has been 11 months since daddy passed. It feels like yesterday.God bless and know I will love and honor you both forever.
    Christina , Jimmy , Joe, Alyssa and Mom

    christina,jimmy,joe and alyssa

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