Beth Olam Jewish Cemetery

Beth Olam Jewish Cemetery

One of the oldest and most historic Jewish cemeteries in California, Beth Olam Jewish Cemetery was founded on the grounds of Hollywood Forever in the 1920s to accommodate traditional Jewish burial. Visitors and guests may access Beth Olam from either the main gate on Santa Monica Boulevard, or from the west gate on Gower Street.

Our staff assists each family to shape a service drawing upon historic Jewish rites of burial to reflect the family’s personal tradition of observance.

Traditional Lawn Burial Los Angeles Jewish Cemetery Hollywood Forever Plains of Abraham

Traditional Lawn Burial

Located in the heart of Los Angeles, Hollywood Forever’s Beth Olam Cemetery offers beautiful lawn spaces for traditional burial. Tombstones, headstones, and grave markers tell the rich Jewish history of the century-old burial grounds that many have chosen as their final resting place.

Single-depth and double-depth spaces from $31,460

Los Angeles Jewish Cemetery Hollywood Forever Hall of Solomon

The Hall of Solomon

Begun in the 1930s, the Hall of Solomon is the oldest of the cemetery’s three mausoleums dedicated to Jewish interment. A truly unique memorial site, The Hall of Solomon is one of Hollywood Forever’s most historic places.

Couch crypts newly added to the Hall of Solomon are fronted in golden Jerusalem stone. A limited number of beautiful crypts and niches in our Jewish cemetery are also available in the hall’s interior corridors.

Single crypts from $23,320
Companion crypts from $41,140
Family crypts (four-capacity) from $93,170

Niches from $21,890

Hall of David Mausoleum Los Angeles Jewish Cemetery Hollywood Forever

The Hall of David and the Garden of David

Built in stages beginning in the 1950s, the Hall of David was recently expanded to offer the Jewish community several thousand additional outdoor crypts and niches in its Garden of David extension.

Single crypts from $15,950
Companion crypts from $26,400
Family crypts (four-capacity) from $52,800

Niches from $8,470

Garden of Israel Los Angeles Jewish Cemetery Hollywood Forever

The Garden of Israel

Beth Olam’s newest Jewish mausoleum, the Garden of Israel offers serenity on a more intimate scale, with both interior and garden memorial crypts.

Single crypts from $31,900
Companion crypts from $44,770

Beth Olam Jewish Cemetery Hours

Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday CLOSED
Sunday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.

Hollywood Forever Cemetery Hours

Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday CLOSED
Sunday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.


Click here to see our plans and pricing.

To learn more about Beth Olam at Hollywood Forever, please contact us.
Please call to set an appointment for a private tour of the grounds and facilities.

Read more about Hollywood Forever cemetery.

A funeral director is available to speak with you and answer your questions 24 hours a day.

If a death has occurred or for funeral planning, please call us on (323) 469-1181 or toll-free: (877) 844-3837