Clark Caviness

1946 - 2006


  1. Missing you

    11 years without you and I wish for nothing more then to want to have you back! I love you so much💗

    Sophia Vasquez

  2. 2 years

    I can’t believe it’s been 2 years since you passed away. I’ve missed your calls. Wish you were still here.


  3. DAD

    Beyond well LOVED father,grandfather,friend and so much more than words could ever say.He was the BEST Dad any one could have and spoiled us as much as he could even though it was mostly my gramma but he went along with it and didnt say much heheh!But after it all even though there were some down times but hey all families have em although ours were probably worse than most other families at times but he was the only person that I looked up to admired and went to with all of my questions who tried to answer them all even if he couldn’t he sure tried!He was my Hero,confidant,my pal,but most of all he was my DAD! I LOVE YOU!

    Caryn Caviness

  4. Missing You

    Missing you & wishing you were still here.


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