Jeffrey Robbins Kane

1964 - 2005


  1. Thanks for sharing!

    Whoever was responsible for this tribute….thanks for putting it out here. It was so good to see what Jeff was up to after I’d lost touch with him (we were horse/4-H friends and kept up as pen pals during college for a while). I thought of him many times over the years…was so sad to find out that he had already been gone a few years by the time I learned of his passing. So glad now that I went out of my way to see him play Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside in his high school production of Mame. 🙂 I still have an early piece of his artwork, too (a cartoon…ha ha). Hope all of his friends and loved ones are doing well…looks like there were lots of good times. Jeff…keep on shining, my friend.

    Paige M

  2. JK

    What a beautiful man who seemed to have a wonderful smile and a great sense of humor. I’m so sorry that you have lost him for now. But it seems you have so many memories to help you through your loss. I am sure it must be so horrible to miss someone like this. He was so alive and full of hope and looked like he loved the life he had and who he had to share it with. Much love to all of you who ache in your loss of Jeffrey.


  3. WOW 2!

    I didn’t get to get my whole message in with the WOW thing. What a beautiful online memorial for such a happy-go-lucky guy! His rendition of “You Make Me Feel Brand New” was so cool! Thank you for sharing Jeff’s online memorial with all of us online. May all his friends take comfort in knowing his guardian angel wings are fluttering high above and watching out for all of them…Again, Thanks….

    Southern California

  4. WOW!


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