Manuel Lest

1918 - 2003


  1. Daddy

    Daddy,Its March now 2004, and its not any easier,losing you, in fact if it were possible I feel worse, and my heart is so broken daddy..You were such a huge part of my life and now there is such a big hole ..Oh daddy I miss you so much..Its so hard being here without you, to talk with, and watch old time movies with and eat with…I miss you daddy, so much..I hope you are in heaven and happy,because you deserve to be so much..You are such a good man daddy, and I hope and pray God has a very special place of honor for you, because you have a very special place of honor in my heart.I miss you so much…I love you daddy, and I can hardly wait till the day come till we can be together again…
    Love your daughter Joyce


  2. Your Dad

    Joyce,What a lovely tribute to your Poppa. I do know the tremendous loss that you and Eric have suffered. I pray that you can find comfort in each other and with God. Thank you for sharing a bit of your fathers life with me.
    Love Always,


  3. Precious Papa

    Dearest Precious Daddy:I thought of all kinds of ways to immortalize you in people hearts, and could only come up with this tribute for all to see,you mean so much to me, and losing you, was losing my most precious friend, and my hero,but I do draw comfort knowing you are in heaven and we shall see eachother again someday.
    I will never forget the movie we saw together before you passed away and we cried, about the lady and her son, when the father came home, (the ladys father) and he brought all kinds of gifts to them to make up for not being there all the years she was growing up, and he was going to diw in 6 months and also left her some money to fix her house up, and for the boys education, then took off at the end to spend what time he had left, sipping margaritas at barbados or something like that..Oh how we cried together 🙂
    You did so well for erik and I, papa I love you so much and miss you terribly, it was an honor caring for you each day, I had difficulty watching you suffer at the end though, it broke my heart, but I knew also it was time to let you go 🙁
    I love you daddy, with all my heart, and thank you for being the best father a daughter could ever have,,I love you..Love Joyce

    Your daughter Joyce

  4. Your tribute

    I enjoyed your tribute. The pictures were timed well with the jazzy music and now I know a little more about you from these glimpses of you and your important people.


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