Paisant Chuangsawadsak

1954 - 2003


  1. 2 years passed by

    Dear Hear , How r u and how is Papa .
    Did you see Papa , did you find him
    Did both of you stay together .
    I hope you 2 were in the house that we sent until end of your time .
    Still missed you and pls tell Papa
    I missed him so much and I will alwars
    love him …
    your time


  2. 1 year ago

    1 year pass by . How are you and howis the new place . We will always miss you especially when we listen “@%H2*9H11” ….


  3. 1 year ago

    1 year pass by . How are you and howis the new place . We will always miss you especially when we listen “@%H2*9H11” ….


  4. To my brother

    Dear Hear , Nearly 1 year from the sadness day.
    You’ve still here or not. I will always
    miss you .


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