Cameron Bacchus Moffett

1965 - 2003


  1. Dear Best Friend, Confident and Miracle Worker,
    I’m still here. It’s been 18 years since you left us. I haven’t seen your Tribute since the memorial. Remembering all our adventures together – Montreal, Park City, Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, Miami, Orlando. You were the magic in my otherwise humdrum existence. What a special person you were. I miss you and will always think of Memorial Day Weekend of 1993 when I was brought to one of your impromptu social gatherings. Those late night dinners at Bistro Garden, and those Halloween-sized bag of candy you’d dump on my coffee table before I put on a movie. I wonder if you’re looking down at me wondering if Richard will ever learn how lighten up and just see all the colors. Rest In Peace.


  2. Cameron

    I read in a german magazine your name and story depending a story about the “forever life stories”. And now more than 1,5 year later I havn’t forget your name and I found your lifestorie here on the internet. you had a very impressing but to short life, and i hope to meet you someday “up there” to talk to you. Chris (Hamburg, Germany)

    Christian Ludwig

  3. Cameron

    What a gorgeous man. What great pictures. He looked as if he celebrated life to the fullest. He had good friends and the warmest of smiles.
    Bless his heart.


  4. Beautiful

    I didn’t know Cameron, but I wanted to tell you the tribute really touched me. I am truly sorry for your loss. Kevin Johnson NYC

    Kevin Johnson NY, NY

  5. What A Fantastic Tribute To An Awesome Person.


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