Myeamma Claiborne

1977 - 2002


  1. researcher

    Dear Family,
    I am researching what happened to Myeamma so that it does not happen again. If you feel so inclined, please reach out to me. Thanks. Sherry


  2. Santa Monica resident/researcher

    Hello Dear Family of Myeamma, What a beautiful, vibrant person she was. I heard about her story from someone and I think it needs to be told. I put it aside for awhile, but she keeps coming back to me. I was in that jail to and I though I would die there. I was sick and for over 4 hours they would not help me or even answer my calls. I then found out about Myeamma. Just a couple of months ago a Black man who was arrested for riding his bike on the sidewalk was hurt by the police, put in jail on trumped up charges and then mistreated in that jail. We can make change. Everyone thinks Santa Monica is progressive and evolved. As to that jail, that is not the case. And we can help make change. Please call me if you wish (310) 309-0450 or email me at I’m thinking you still feel Myeamma around and maybe you could ask her about this. But this story must be told.

    Sherry Martini

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