Armando Ayala

1982 - 2000


  1. whats up Armando Iam just writing once again to say whats up. Damn 3 years almost its so hard to be without you its so hard but you are in a better place now and if you are happy then Ill try to be happy for you. Things happen for a reason and it was your time to go not fair but thats the way life is. Well homie just thought i dropped a few lines to say hi and that i miss you alot. hope to see you someday.


  2. Missing you

    Three years almost… Since that one fucked up day sorry for the word but there is no other word i can think of right now. I still cant believe you are gone I miss you so much Mabelle still loves you and always will. I am sorry for everything. You were always looking out for me I hope it remains the same. I want you to know that I was and will always be there. you were not only my best friend you were part of my family like a big brother. This is a pretty long message I just want to tell you all of these things. I miss those long conversations we use to have now I dont have someone to tell things to. Every where I go there’s phonies you were the only real true friend I had. Sometimes I wish that this was just a dream. I cant face the fact that you are gone. I will always treasure the good and bad memories we had cause thats all I have. I hope all your homies realize that life is presious not to take anything for granted.Thats what I have realized. I hope we meet again. I thank God for giving me the chance to meet such a sweet loving person Armando all of us are missing you. Sorry if I dont go visit you often but I always have you in mind. love you always,Marisol


  3. wassup hermano

    wassup dawg just wanna tell u that i miss u like a mothafucka dawg, i love u and u will alwayz remain in my heart dawg. thanx for watchin over me hermano. and im sorry for doin stuff that might have disappointed u. till we meet ill be here remenicin on the good old days. rest in peace.


  4. whats up homie.

    thanks for looking over me and the rest of the homies…dog believe me when i say that life isnt the same,now theres violence everywhere you go…..i miss messing around with you….(the last thing i remember is that you were about to mase me…)you know crazy arnold hahahahahaha..gracias big homie.p.s take care of us all …….one love


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