Floral Tributes in Hindu Funeral Traditions: Understanding the Significance of Garlands and Offerings

Flowers have long held a special place in Hindu culture, symbolizing purity, devotion, and the sacred connection between the earthly and divine. In Hindu funerals, this symbolism takes on a profound meaning, as flowers become a vital part of the rituals that honor and bid farewell to a loved one.

In this blog, we explore the role of flowers in Hindu funeral traditions and uncover how they reflect the Hindu belief in the enduring cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

Floral Tributes in Hindu Funeral Traditions Understanding the Significance of Garlands and Offerings

The Significance of Flowers in Hinduism 

Flowers are an integral part of Hindu rituals and ceremonies. They are considered carriers of divine energy and are used to create a purified space for worship and spiritual practices. The importance of flowers is most evident in their use in a primary prayer ritual known as Puja, where they serve as offerings to God. 

Each flower is chosen not just for its beauty or fragrance but also for its deep symbolic meaning. 


Marigolds are among the most commonly used flowers in Hindu rituals. Their vibrant orange and yellow hues symbolize the sun’s energy, renewal, and the cycle of life and death. 

Marigolds are often used to create garlands that are draped around the body of the deceased or placed on the funeral pyre. They are also used to decorate the funeral site, as their bright colors are believed to ward off evil spirits and purify the environment.


Roses are associated with love, devotion, and the soul’s journey. Rose petals are often scattered over the departed, the funeral pyre, or the gravesite. Garlands made from roses are also common and are placed on the deceased as a sign of reverence.


Jasmine flowers, known for their delicate white petals and sweet fragrance, symbolize purity, modesty, and the transient nature of life. Jasmine garlands are often placed around the body of the deceased or used in offerings.


The lotus symbolizes divinity, piety, beauty, and fertility, embodying the spiritual ideals that Hindus strive to achieve. Although not as commonly used in funeral rituals as marigolds or jasmine, lotus flowers may be included in offerings and garlands. 

Tulsi or Holy Basil 

While not a flower in the traditional sense, tulsi leaves are highly revered in Hinduism and are sometimes used in final rites. Tulsi is believed to have protective and purifying properties, and garlands made from tulsi leaves may be placed on the deceased to ensure a peaceful transition to the afterlife.

Floral Garlands: Symbols of Respect

Floral garlands, known as malas, are revered in Hindu traditions, serving as symbols of respect, devotion, and the cyclical nature of life and death. In everyday worship, these garlands are offered to God as a sign of love and reverence. 

During funerals, garlands take on a more profound significance. These colorful garlands are draped around the body of the deceased, symbolizing the soul’s transition from the earthly realm to becoming one with the divine. 

The act of placing a garland on the deceased is a final offering, expressing love, respect, and prayers for the soul’s peaceful journey to the afterlife. 

These garlands not only honor the life that was but also acknowledge the continuity of existence beyond death, reflecting the profound spiritual beliefs that lie at the heart of Hinduism.

Floral Offerings During Cremation 

Floral offerings play a vital and symbolic role during a Hindu cremation. 

Purity and the Impermanence of Life 

By offering flowers during a Hindu cremation, mourners acknowledge the transient nature of human existence and honor the purity of the soul. The delicate and fleeting existence of flowers reflects the belief that life, too, is fleeting. Just as flowers bloom and wither, so too does human life. This symbolism helps those who have lost a loved one accept the cycle of life and death as a natural, divine process.

As a Sign of Respect 

Flowers serve as a final tribute to those who have passed on and are a way of showing love and respect. The act of placing flowers on the body or on the funeral pyre is a deeply emotional and spiritual gesture, signifying the family’s prayers and blessings for the deceased’s peaceful journey to the afterlife.


The fragrance of the flowers is believed to purify the environment, creating a sacred space where the cremation rites are performed. This purification is not just physical but also spiritual, helping to cleanse the soul and prepare it for its journey to the next life. The presence of flowers during the cremation is thought to attract positive energies and ward off any negative influences, ensuring a peaceful transition for the departed soul.

A Divine Connection

During cremation, offering flowers is a way of asking for blessings and guidance for the soul of the departed. The flowers represent the faith and devotion that is offered to the gods in the hope that the soul will be received in the afterlife and find eternal peace.

Floral Offerings Post-Cremation 

Family members continue to use flowers in various rituals, including the Shraddha rites, which honor the ancestors and ensure the deceased’s peaceful journey to the afterlife. Fresh flowers are placed on the home altar and used in offerings to the gods, symbolizing the ongoing connection between the living and those who have passed on. 

While traditional Hindu funeral customs have remained largely unchanged for centuries, modern interpretations have introduced variations in the use of flowers. In urban areas, where access to traditional flowers may be limited, families might opt for more readily available blooms, still adhering to the symbolic meanings. 

Additionally, the practice of sending flower arrangements as a condolence gesture has become more common.

Honoring a Life Well-Lived with Hollywood Forever 

In Hindu funeral traditions, flowers are more than just a tribute; they are a vital part of the spiritual process that honors life and death. From the sacred garlands that adorn the deceased to the floral offerings accompanying the soul on its journey, each bloom carries a message of respect, devotion, and hope. 

At Hollywood Forever, we understand the importance of these rituals and are committed to providing funeral services that honor your loved one’s traditions and beliefs. As a full-service cemetery, funeral home, and crematorium, we feel privileged to be able to cater to our community’s needs in a meaningful and respectful way.


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