Beatrice Blanche Peterman

1917 - 1951


  1. tribute to Beatrice

    Beatrice was the warmest kindst best sister. She was like a mother to me buying me my first silk sstockings and necklace and always there when my friends needed a big sister. When my Junior Girls B’nai Brith neee a counselor she assumed that role. When we learned to horseback ride she took lessons with me. When I entered college she became my dating companionShe was the maid of honor at my wedding and I at hers. We lived across the alley from each other and when we had oour children we took care of each other as well as our little boyIt was the greatest loss in my life when she died ab age 33leaving two small boys three and one. I was the last to see her before she died and we had a wonderful visit as she died peacefully. She was the best big sister anyone ever had. Any fb she took on was done to perfection and with love and care. I see her to this day with those big blue eyes, curly hair and rosie cheeks.

    her sister Marjorie

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