Genevieve O'Brien Palmer

1885 - 1954

Born August 14, 1875. Died November 28, 1954.

Genevieve was the daughter of James O’Brien and Mary Johnstone, and was born in East Dorset, Vermont. Her father and mother came to America from England, and purchased 99 acres in East Dorset, because it reminded them of England, then discovered that a portion of the land contained sand, which they sold to the Vermont Marble Hills for cutting marble. She was educated in Troy, New York, at Business College. After graduation, she taught for one year. She had four years of music at Professor Bramer’s School of Music, Rutland, Vermont. She took two years of training at Lebanon Hospital, New York City, graduating with an R.N. degree. She married Edwin Obadiah Palmer on February 14, 1903. Edwin and Genevieve had two children, Catherine Leavenworth Palmer (born November 17, 1905), who married Mortimer Allen Kline, and William Edwin Palmer (born January 8, 1909). Bill married Liliore Green on December 7, 1934, and later Lee Harrell, on March 22, 1946. Bill died on March 9, 1978, and Catherine died on September 5, 1998.


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